Don't have a sewing machine but need to make a buttonhole? Sew one by hand using the simple buttonhole stitch.
A buttonhole is basically an opening in fabric where a button can slip through. And while you can simply cut a slit to make a buttonhole, the fabric will wear and fray, destroying the hole. Even non-fraying fabrics like felt will stretch and show wear with a lot of use, such as frequent buttoning. Binding the hole's edge, however, protects the fabric and creates a strong opening for a button to pass through again and again.
Buttonhole stitch does more than just wrap thread over the edge of a slit as an overcast stitch would. Each buttonhole stitch makes a knot at the edge of the opening, locking the stitches together.
Modern sewing machines usually have a setting that automatically makes a buttonhole, and while this is helpful, it's not always the best option. Even if you have a machine that could do this, you might choose a hand-sewn buttonhole so you have more control over the shape and size. If you're making historically accurate garments as costumes, remember that buttonholes from hundreds of years ago would never have been made on a sewing machine, so a hand-stitched hole is ideal in this case. Hand-finishing a buttonhole also gives your handmade garments a well-tailored couture look.
Sewing patterns will tell you how to prepare an area for a buttonhole, so be sure to follow those instructions. Buttonholes are usually reinforced with interfacing or a double layer of fabric.
You can sew your buttonhole stitch with a double strand of good-quality sewing thread that matches your fabric. But for better visibility, follow the example below, which shows contrasting embroidery thread.
- 01 of 09
Measure and Mark the Button Size
Choose the button you want and mark where the buttonhole should go. For thin buttons, you can mark on either side of the button close to the edges, as the hole will become slightly larger after stitching. For thicker buttons, you should add the thickness of the button to the total width of the marking. For example, a 1/2" wide button that is 1/8" thick should have an opening that is 5/8" wide.
- 02 of 09
Mark the Slit and Stitch Around the Markings
Draw a line between the button width markings. This will be where you cut the fabric.
Next, make small running stitches around the buttonhole space. You can make this rectangular like the sample or create a different shape, such as a keyhole. The running stitch defines the edges of the buttonhole, which makes it easier to keep the stitches even while preventing the fabric from fraying under the stitching.
Keep the thread attached so it's ready to continue after the next step.
- 03 of 09
Cut the Buttonhole Opening
Cut the opening on the marked line, being careful not to sever the stitches or the working thread. Sharp embroidery scissors are good for this because you can poke the tip of the scissors through the fabric and then snip cleanly along the line.
- 04 of 09
Begin Buttonhole Stitch
With the thread still anchored from the running stitch, bring the needle up through the opening in the fabric.
Insert the needle through the fabric just outside the running stitch, then bring the needle back up through the buttonhole opening. Pass the working thread behind the tip of the needle.
Pull the needle through.
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Make the Next Stitch
Repeat the same process for each buttonhole stitch.
Insert the needle just outside the line of running stitch and bring it back up through the opening. Keep the working thread behind the needle, then pull the needle through to complete the stitch.
- 06 of 09
Continue Making Buttonhole Stitches
As you add more buttonhole stitches, be sure to keep them even and close together. This can take a little practice, but with time your stitches should look smooth and professional.
- 07 of 09
Stitch the Buttonhole Ends
You can stitch the ends straight across with satin stitch, but a more consistent finish is to continue with buttonhole stitch. For rounded ends, fan out the stitches.
- 08 of 09
Finish the Buttonhole
Work your way around the entire buttonhole.
When you need to end a thread and start a new one, go down through the fabric as you do to start each stitch. Secure the thread on the back. Anchor a new thread with a knot and a small stitch on the back, then bring the needle up through the opening, catching the last stitch so the new thread locks with the previous one.
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